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Summer Meeting 2011 in Horto Mt Pilio
organised by the non-profit cultural foundation G.Angelinis - Pia Hadjinikos"
(27th edition)
1. de tentoonstelling - l'exposition - the exhibition
August 5th- 21th, Museum of Folk Art Hortó
by Yiannis Koniordos
The main body of this exhibition consists of portraits and letters sent from America by Spalathrian immigrants in early 20th century. They are supplemented by some extra items such as passports, official papers, etc.
Studio photos sent by immigrants to relatives back home highlight the false images that at the time fed people’s illusions over the “promised land”. Suits with handkerchief in lapels, hats, white collars, gold watches, were symbols of a supposedly comfortable life and prosperity which contrasted the harsh conditions of rural life the immigrants had left back at their village. What the letters reveal instead are the harsh living conditions they were facing in their new country: insecurity, a struggle for survival, concerns about the debts they left behind and, of course, the expectation of return.
The exhibition seeks to illuminate an unrecorded (and relatively little known) part of history about the region of Argalasti and its people. The objective is to contribute to collective awareness of who we are. At the same time the occasion reminds us that the experience of migration is timeless and intertwined with the history of human societies. The understanding and tolerance of, as well as solidarity with the suffering of immigrants are a debt imposed to us by history. |
Υπολογίζεται ότι από το 1890 έως τις αρχές της δεκαετίας του 1920 περίπου μισό εκατομμύριο Έλληνες έφτασαν ως μετανάστες στις ΗΠΑ. Μόνο το 1907, 46.282 άτομα ελληνικής καταγωγής πέρασαν από το Ellis Island, τον σταθμό υποδοχής και εξέτασης των μεταναστών, στην είσοδο του λιμανιού της Νέας Υόρκης. Το μεταναστευτικό ρεύμα ξεκίνησε πρώτα από την Πελοπόννησο, τα Ιόνια νησιά, τη Δυτική Στερεά Ελλάδα και αργότερα εξαπλώθηκε στη Θεσσαλία και τα νησιά του Αιγαίου.
Η μετανάστευση σχετίζονταν με τις οικονομικές συνθήκες και δυσκολίες που αντιμετώπιζε η ελληνική κοινωνία την περίοδο εκείνη και αποτελούσε μια διέξοδο ώστε να ανακουφιστούν οι οικονομικές δυσκολίες της οικογένειας, να βελτιωθεί το βιοτικό της επίπεδο, ακόμα και να προικοδοτηθούν τα κορίτσια. Μέσα σε λίγα χρόνια, ο μύθος της Αμερικής ως γη της επαγγελίας ήταν αρκετός ώστε να εξωθεί πολλούς ανθρώπους από διαφορετικά περιβάλλοντα και διαφορετικές ανάγκες να μεταναστεύουν.
Το ταξίδι για την Αμερική δεν ήταν εύκολη υπόθεση ....
It is estimated that from 1890 until early 1920, about half a million Greeks arrived as immigrants in the U.S.. Only in 1907, 46,282 people of Greek descent went through Ellis Island, the dock of reception and examination of immigrants at the entrance of the harbor of New York. The first immigration wave began in the Peloponnese, the Ionian islands, western mainland Greece, and later spread to Thessaly and the Aegean islands.
The migration was related to economic conditions and difficulties faced by Greek society at that time and it was a way to alleviate the financial difficulties of the family, improve living standards, even to “proikodotithoun?” girls of the family. Within a few years, the myth of America as a land of promise was enough to persuade people from many different backgrounds and different needs to migrate.
The trip to America was not easy...
Y.K. |
Klik hier en lees de volledige bijdrage van Yiannis Koniordos, in het Grieks en in het Engels
Cliquez ici et lisez la contribution de Yiannis Koniordos, en grec et en anglais
Click here and read the complete contribution by Yiannis Koniordos, in Greek and in English
2. de muziek - la musique - the music (will still be updated)
Chamber Music by Trio Flarchit, August 10th Museum of Folk Art
Josepf Kreutzer Trio op.16
Carlo Domeniconi Sonatina Mexicana
AlfredoCasella Pavana op.1
Paolo Fontana 8 pieces
DonatoSemeraro Fantis
Heitor Villa-Lobos Bachianas brasileiras No 5 |
flute Yiorgos Tsiardakas, clarinet Stelios Kotritsios, guitar Spiros Kavalieratos
The Hague's String Orchestra, conductor Yiorgo Moutsiaras, violin Emmy Storms, the Open Air Theater of Hortó, August 12
In the scenery of the nice and charming Open Air Theater of Hortó - overcrowded for this exhibition - , the highlight of the Summer Meeting 2011, the Hague's String Orchestra, conducted by Yiorgo Moutsiaras and Emmy Storms, violin solo.
Hendrik Adriessen Variations and fugue on a theme of Johan Kuhnau for string orchestra
Antonio Vivaldi Concerto No 2 in G minor, op. 8, RV 315, "L'Estate" from The Four Seasons, I. Allegro non molto, II. Adagio III. Pesto
George Bizet / Pablo de Sarasate Carmen Concert Fantasy for violin and orchestra ( in arrangement for string orchestra by Vladimir Agopov )
Nikos Skalkottas Five Greek Dances for string orchestra I. Tsamikos (II/9) II Thessalikos (I/12) Dance of Thessaly province III. Based on the folk song "Mariori mou - Mariori mou" (III/4) IV. Nisiotikos (III/4) Island's Dance from Crete V. (III/12) Dance from Roumeli
Antonin Dvořák Serenade for Strings in E major, Op.22 I. Moderato II. Tempo di Valse III. Scherzo: Vivace IV. Larghetto V. Finale: Allegro vivace |
The temperamentally performance of the young Emmy Storms, violin solo, in George Bizet / Pablo de Sarasate 's Carmen Concert Fantasy for violin and orchestra ( in arrangement for string orchestra by Vladimir Agopov ) was a real delight!
I. INTRODUCTION Aragonaise - Allegro moderato
II. Andante molto moderato
III. Habanera - Moderato
IV. Interlude - Lento assai
V. Seguidilla - Allegro Moderato
VI. Gypsy Dance - Moderato |
Music evening Duo Vivo and Anticoni Gaitana, soprano, August 19 Museum of Folk Art
Camille Saint-Saëns Danse Macabre, op.40 / arr. Ernest Guiraud-
Olivier Messian Trois mélodies No 1, Pourquoi, No 2 Le sourire
Claude Debussy Romance No 1, Mandoline, Ariette oubliée No 1
Charles Alkan Fantasy on don Juan, op. 26
Dimitris Dragatakis There is a moon tonight, April's moon, Lullaby
Edvard Grieg Norvegian Dances op.35 No 1 in D minor, No 2 in A major
Eric Satie Trois Petites Pièces Montées: De l'enfance de Pantagruel, Marche de Cocagne, Jeux de Gargantua
Yiannis Constandinis 20 Songs of the Greek People, Nos 2, 3 & 10 |
Duo Vivo - Chris Marinos and Nikos Adraskelas - piano-4 hands |
Anticoni Gaitana
Any 4-hands recital of Duovivo - very involved in the organisation of the Hortó Summer Meetings - is a nice, and many times fascinating event we 'll not miss!
Violin recital Christos Kanettis, violin, and Ana Dimova, piano, August 24 Museum of Folk Art
Fritz Kreisler,
Variationen über ein Thema von Corelli, für Violine und Klavier
Rezitativo ( Lento con espressione ) und Scherzo Caproce ( Presto e brillante ), für solo Violine
Rondo aus der Haffner Serenade von W.A. Mozart, für Violine und Klavier
Sergei Prokofieff
Christos Kanettis, violin, and Ana Dimova, piano |
A great demonstration of technical and artistic mastery by this excellent violinist - leading this year too the Violin Masterclass - accompanied on the piano by a temperamental artist!
Concerts given by participants of Masterclasses
- Concert by participants of Irini Tsirakidis' Opera Masterclass, August 23 Museum of Folk Art
- Concert by participants of Prof. Christos Kanettis' Masterclass, in coll. with Prof. Ana Dimova, September 1 Museum of Folk Art
An end-of-masterclass-concert - violin and piano. Participants demonstrated their for some still young musical mastery by executing works of Kreisler, Wieniawsky, Schubert, Lalo, Schumann, Brahms, beethoven, Spohr, Tchaikovsky and Saint-Saens, under the supervision of Prof. Kanettis and accompanied on the piano by Prof. Dimova.
The audience has many times encouraged enthusiastically these ( for some very ) promising talents.
Personally we enjoyed particularly the violinists Therese von Bemberg in the Sonata in A minor, op.105 for violin & piano - mit leidenschaftlichem Ausdruck of Robert Schuman, Tobias Höll in the Sonata in A minor op. 23 - Presto of Ludwig von Beethoven and Kostas Malamis in Preludium & Allegro of Kreisler-Paganini, and the very nice artistic demonstration by Elisabeth Kanettis at the piano, in the Fantasy op.103,D 940 for piano 4-hands - Allegro molto moderato - Largo of Franz Schubert, and in the Ungarischer Tanz Nr.1 for piano 4-hands - Allegro molto, of Johannes Brahms - 4-hands with Ana Dimova. |
Therese von Bemberg, violin, and Ana Dimova, piano |
The participants of the concert,
with in the centre Prof. Christos Kanettis and Prof. Ana Dimova,
listening to Mrs. Pia Hadginikos, the co-founder of the Summer Meetings
3. andere evenementen - autres événements - other events (will still be updated)
Dimitris Baslam's "Agisilagos " , the Open Air Theater of Hortó, August 6th (narration in Greek)
Dimitris Prousalis, " Tales opposed to dark dictates in decayed ages " , the Open Air Theater of Hortó, August 14th (storytelling in Greek)
Nomik, " I ain't gonna be a king " , musical theater & album presentation, Open Air Theater of Hortó, August 27th (in Greek)
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