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4. Griekenland 19. Zomaar enkele jaren langer in Hellas (16):

het jaar 2023

pages en francais

4. La Grèce 19. Vagabondages en pays hellénique (16):

l'année 2023

pages in English

4. Greece 19. Some lazy Years in Greece (16):

the year 2023










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in English Back to the general overview, click here.

temporarly items, will be developped and completed


Nieuwpoort November 2022  Equestrians and  horses composition by the Danish artist Nina Baeier for Beaufort 2018   Daily walks on the beach Nieuwpoort January 2023

Nieuwpoort November 2022 & January 2023

Terug naar Grielenland , via Frankrijk, Zwitserland en Italië, Ancona-Igoumenitsa, Griekenland, ; waar we van de Ionische zijde naar de Egeïsche rijden om het Pilion schiereiland te bereiken.

Retour en Grèce, par la France, la Suisse et l'Italie. D'Ancône traversée de l'Adriatique vers la Grèce, puis nous passons de la côte ionienne à l'égéenne, gagnant ainsi la péninsule du Pilion.

in English Back to Greece, by France, Switserland and Italy, Crossing the Adriatic Sea from Ancona to Greece, and reaching from the Ionian coast the Pelion Peninsula on the Aegean side.

Februari 2023 On the way by Switzerland to Italy and Greece Stop in Monticelli d'Ongina - room at La Finestra sul Po

Stop at Hotel Ambassador, Pesaro, view from our room

Pesaro Hotel Ambassador

Heading for IGOUMENITSA GR - f/b Olympic Champion  


Ancona - f/b Olympic Champion


Van de winter naar de lente

De l'hiver au printemps

in English From Winter to Spring


Due to WINTER STORMS TREES and SHRUBS have blocked the cobblestone path to the village and the beach we use Damage also to the telephone and internet cables

The snow caused so many damages that repairs are long difficult and delayed


De hevige sneeuwval heeft heel wat schade aangericht in het landschap : in bijna alle olijfgaarden zijn - soms erg zware takken - afgeknakt , en, heel wat electrische kabels zijn afgebroken - gedurende enkele dagen waren er grote stroomonderbrekingen - en telefoon en internetkabels liggen op de grond of hangen tussen de takken die onder het gewicht van de sneeuw de leidingen hebben neergehaald. We gaan even geduld moeten oefenen: hoewel de herstelploegen heel goed doorwerken zal het een week duren vooraleer onze vaste internetverbinding hersteld is ...

Als een van de eerste werken gaan we de kalderimi bij het huis ( het ezelspad ) die rechtstreeks naar het dorp leidt moeten vrijmaken !

Les fortes chutes de neige ont causé beaucoup de dégâts au paysage : dans presque toutes les oliveraies - parfois des branches très lourdes - se sont cassées, et de nombreux câbles électriques ont été rompus - pendant plusieurs jours, il y a eu d'importantes coupures d'électricité - et les câbles téléphoniques et internet sont au sol ou suspendus entre les branches qui sous le poids de la neige ont rompu les fils. Il va falloir nous armer de patience : même si les équipes de dépannage travaillent sans relâche, il nous faudra attendre une semaine avant que notre connexion internet fixe soit rétablie...

Un de nos premiers travaux sera de libérer le kalderimi ( sentier muletier ) qui mène droit au village et passe en bas de la maison !

in English The heavy snowfall caused a lot of damage to the landscape: in almost all the olive groves branches have broken - sometimes very heavy ones - , and many electric cables too - for several days there were major electricity shotages - and a lot of telephone and internet cables are now on the ground or hanging on the branches which under the weight of the snow have broken the wires. We will have to be patient: even if the repair teams are working tirelessly, we will have to wait a week before our fixed internet connection is restored...

One of our first work will be to free the kalderimi ( cobblestone mule path ) which leads straight to the village and passes below the house!


  Yearly cleaning and pruning works in the garden, mainly the olive trees    Sunset on the Pagasetic gulf  
  Changeable but sometimes nice, although rather cold, spring weather   daily walk in the late afternoon.  


Wisselvallig maar soms ook al leuk, hoewel fris, lenteweer, aan het werk in de tuin en een dagelijkse wandeling in de latere namiddag.

Météo variable mais parfois agréablement printanier, bien que les températures restent particulièrement fraîches, travaux de jardin et promenade quotidienne en fin d'après-midi.

in English Changeable but sometimes nice, although rather cold, spring weather; working in the garden and a daily walk in the late afternoon.








De olijfbomen krijgen hun jaarkijkse snoeibeurt, dit jaar een meer ingrijpende aanpak, waarbij al het dode of afgebroken hout wordt verwijderd.

Les oliviers ont droit à leur taille annuelle, cette année une intervention plus importante afin d'enlever tout le bois mort ou les restes de branches cassées.

in English The olive trees get their annual pruning, this year a deeper cleaning to remove all the dead wood and the broken branches.


two separate and smaller PILIPPI STV 106 switch boards in a new wooden panel  

Servicing winches and windlass


Op onze boot is het MASTERVOLT DC verdeel, schakel en zekeringenpaneel aan vervanging toe: er komen twee aparte kleinere PILIPPI STV 106 switch boards in een nieuw houten paneel. Zowel de winches in de kuip als deze op de mast en de ankerlier worden gereinigd en gesmeerd, lichtjes ingevet met Lewmar Marine vet of met machineolie (o.a. de pallen) , naar gelang het onderdeel.

Sur notre bateau, le panneau de distribution-interrupteurs-fusibles MASTERVOLT DC doivent être remplacés : il y aura deux plus ipetits tableaux PILIPPI STV 106 witch board séparés dans un nouveau panneau en bois. Les winchs et treuils du cockpit et ceux du mât, et le guindeau sont nettoyés et lubrifiés, légèrement graissés avec de la graisse Lewmar Marine ou avec de l'huile de machine (les cliquets), selon la pièce.

in English On our boat the MASTERVOLT DC distribution switch and fuse panel needs to be replaced: we will assemble two separate and smaller PILIPPI STV 106 switch boards in a new wooden panel. Both the winches in the cockpit and those on the mast and the windlass are cleaned and lubricated, lightly greased with Lewmar Marine grease or with machine oil (e.g. the pawls), depending on the part.


SUNSET - Pagasetic Gulf  

Our flowering cherry plum PRUNUS CERASIFERA


Geregeld gaan we naar de bootwerf on de boot klaar te maken. Toch aarzelen we om een datum voor de tewater lating vast te leggen, de temperaturen blijven abnormaal laag en het wisselvallige weerpatroon houdt aan : na de winter moet de mooring opnieuw klaar gemaakt worden en gecontroleerd: de lijnen moeten opnieuw bevestigd worden en er komt ook een nieuwe boei.

Nous allons régulièrement au chantier pour préparer le bateau. Néanmoins, nous hésitons à fixer une date de mise à l'eau, les températures restent anormalement basses et la météo capricieuse perdure; le corps mort doit encore être réaménagé et contrôlé après l'hiver: les lignes doivent être fixées ainsi qu' une nouvelle bouée.

in English We regularly go to the boatyard to prepare the boat. Nevertheless, we are hesitant to set a date for the launch, temperatures remain abnormally low and the changeable weather pattern persists : after the winter the mooring must be prepared and checked again: the lines must be fixed and also a new buoy.


Final works : hull polish  

" Sealing " the teak deck


  the CALL of the SEA


In afwachting van de tewater lating ...

En attendant la mise à l'eau ...

in English Waiting for the launch...





Reiniging en nazicht mast, staand want en lichten

Contrôle du mât, du gréement dormant et des feux

in English Mast, stand rigging and lights cleaning and check




2023.05.19 10:54 EEST


  Finally ... THE LAUNCH !




Eerste zeilervaringen 2023

Premièrs navigations 2023

in English First sailings 2023





2023.05.31 Een kijkje naar de werken in Platania ... waarover hier zoveel inkt heeft gevloeid ...

2023.05.31 Un coup d'oeil pour le chantier à Platania ... qui, ici, a fait couler pas mal d'encre ...

in English 2023.05.31 A look to the developping works in Platania ... about which, here, so much was written ...




" An Americano and a cappuccino, parakalo " [ παρακαλώ ]


  By the small southwards coastal path, one of our favorite spots - a kind of very small natural "Amphitheatre" : we have taken here a lot of pictures, looked to SKIATHOS ISLAND




De zomer van 2023

L'été 2023

in English Summer 2023

  In the surroundings of HORTO   On the background the mount PELION  
  One-finger helming as NEHALINNIA is well trimmed   22 JUNE Sunset  
  The E passage between the peninsula and ALATAS ISLAND   the firefighting aircrafts are part of the picture !  

Dagzeilen en wandelingen bepalen zoals vorige jaren het ritme van deze lente ...

Navigations à la journée et balades rythment, comme les anées précédentes, ce printemps ...

in English Like the previous years sailings and walks punctuate this spring ...


Bezoek van Kris en Brigitte Visite de Kris et Brigitte in English Kris and Brigitte's visiting us


iding around in the peninsula, here an afternoon stop in AGIA KYRIAKI  on the south point of Pelion-Trikeri peninsula  

Kaat fighting in the waves in POTISTIKA

Agia Kiriaki





Olivier, Lena & Jack in Horto

  With Olivier, Lena and Jack along the south coast of the peninsula   KATIGIORGIS  
  PAGANIA   "Windsurfing girl Lena"  
    Windsurfing girl Lena     Olivier with Lena and Jack  


Het einde van de zomer en de herfst van 2023

La fin de l'été et l'automne 2023

in English The end of the Summer and the Autumn of 2023

  Late summer sailings in the Pagasetic gulf   More unstable weather now ...  
  Kaat scrubbing the bottom   2023.08.25  


Daniel & Elias: September stormen Tempêtes de septembre in English September Storms

05.09.2023 Storm Daniel

24 uur lang zeer hevige stortregen ( 700 tot 800 mm ) met onophoudelijk onweer

24 heures de pluies torrentielles ( 700-800mm ) accompagnées d'orages incessants

in English 24 hours of torrential rain ( 700-800mm ) accompanied by incessant thunderstorms

  HORTO 6th of SEPTEMBER 2023 ...   During a wolk on the heights of HORTO 16t.09.2023  



Winterberging. We moeten 12 mijl varen om de werf te bereiken. Anders dan de leuke en ontspannen zeiltochtjes is het nu een wat stresserende ervaring: op het nu eerder bruine, modderige water drijven eilandjes van allerlei afval - vooral plastiek, stukken polystyreen en PVC, en visnet en touw, - en ook grote hoeveelheden hout - takken en allerlei planken maar ook hele boomstammen, zwalpen, blokken, zelfs stukken meubels en ander huisgerei. De door de stortregens in verwoestende wilde bergstromen veranderde waterloopjes namen alles mee op hun weg naar de Pagasetische golf, wanneer ze zelfs door huizen spoelden! Zo wreekt de natuur zich voor de hier wijd verspreide slordigheid en het jarenlange gebrek aan effectieve ecologische bezorgdheid.

Hivernage 12 MN nous séparent du chantier. La navigation habituellent agréable et décontractée se présente assez stressante aujourd'hui: sur les eaux brunâtres et boueuses flottent des îlots de détritus - pricipalement des plastiques, des morceaux de polystyrène et PVC, des restes de filets de pêche et de cordes - ainsi que de grandes quantités de bois - troncs, grumes, billes, branches, planches ! - restes de meubles et autres ustencils de maison. Les petits cours d'eau et ruisseaux tranformés en torrents sauvages et dévastateurs emportèrent tout sur leur passage vers le golfe Pagasétique quand ils passèrent au travers des habitations ! Ainsi la nature se vengeait de la négligence endémique et des années d'absence de préoccupation écologique effective. [

in English Wintering We have to sail 12 NM to reach the boat yard. No nice nor relaxing sailing trip this time, it is now a rather stressful experience: now large patches of all kinds of waste is floating on the brown, muddy water - mainly plastics, pieces of polystyrene and PVC, and of fishing nets and ropes, - as well as a lot of wood - branches and all kinds of planks. but also whole tree trunks, logs, blocks, even pieces of furniture and other houseware. Streamlets and creeks turned into devastating wild torrents by the apocalyptic rains, taking everything with them on their way to the Pagasetic Gulf, even washing through houses ! So nature was taking revenge for the widespread sloppiness here and the years of lack of effective ecological concern.


  Kaat keeps a permanent look-out on the bow so that the overnumerous floating elements in time are seen : mainly plastics, pieces of polystyrene and PVC, and of fishing nets and ropes, - as well as a lot of wood - branches and all kinds of planks. but also whole tree trunks, logs, blocks, even pieces of furniture and other houseware   Approching slowly so that the boat is put cautiously  on the trailer  
  The narrow steel emergency bridge built by the army as the large concrete bridge is has been destroyed by storm Daniel ; lights are regulation the passage; alternate passage for 3 to 4 cars   Sails are rinsed thoroughly before drying  





25.09.2024 Storm Elias

Elias voltooide het vernietigende werk van storm Daniel met nog grotere hevigheid en verwoestende kracht .

Elias a achevé le travail destructeur de la tempête Daniel avec encore plus de violence et de puissance destructrice

in English Elias completed the destructive work of Storm Daniel with even greater violence and destructive power



  HORTO after the two devasting storms   Damage ... destruction  ...  
  HORTO . No words ...   HORTO  
  Washed away ...   As the bridge cannot been used, Horto is cut in two parts ...   


De herfst L'automne in English Autumn

Oktober en november tot onze terugkeer naar België verlopen zonder verder onheil, maar de enorme schade vooral aan de wegeninfrastructuur - waaronder de vele vernielde bruggen en weggespoelde wegen - maakt verplaatsingen met de wagen bijzonder moeilijk, stranden zijn weggespoeld, veranderd in modderpoelen en bedekt met puin, afval en hout. De meeste restaurants zijn gesloten, vele zijn beschadigd of vernietigd. Het water van de golf is erg vervuild: zwemmen kan niet meer. Vissen is verboden.

Naast tuinonderhoud en langere wandelingen, gaan we bijna dagelijks naar drie strandjes buiten het dorp kleiner puin, plastiek en polystyreen afval opruimen, dat constant door wind en golven uit de Pagasitikos aanspoeld.

Octobre et novembre jusqu'à notre retour en Belgique se déroulent sans autre catastrophe, mais les énormes dégâts, notamment sur les infrastructures routières - y compris les nombreux ponts détruits et les routes emportées par les eaux - rendent les déplacements en voiture extrêmement difficiles, les plages ont été emportées ou transformées en étendues de boue, flaques d'eau brunâtre et sont recouvertes de gravats, de déchets et de bois. La plupart des restaurants sont fermés, beaucoup étant endommagés ou détruits. L'eau du golfe étant très polluée la baignade n'est plus possible. La pêche est interdite.

En plus de l'entretien du jardin et de promenades plus longues, nous nous rendons presque tous les jours sur trois plages à l'extérieur du village pour les nettoyer des petits débris, des déchets de plastique et de polystyrène qui sont constamment rejetés des eaux du golfe par le vent et les vagues.

in English October and November until our return to Belgium bring no new disaster, but the enormous damage, especially to the road infrastructure - including the many destroyed bridges and washed away roads - makes travel by car extremely difficult. Beaches too have been washed away, turned into mud puddles and covered with debris , waste and wood. Most restaurants are closed, many damaged or destroyed. The water of the Pagasetic gulf is very polluted: swimming is no longer possible. Fishing is prohibited.

Besides gardening in preparation of the winter and in de hope for a better time in spring, and longer walks, we go to three beaches outside the village almost every day to clean up smaller debris, plastic and polystyrene waste that is constantly washed up from the gulf by wind and waves.

  Cleaned beach - for how long ?! -  in Pagania   m/v TYPHOON from the Athanasios C. Laskaridis Charitable Foundation arrived in the Pagasetic gulf to participate on the fight against the beach and water pollution after the two storms  
  By windy days the waves bring again the pollution and the waste to the beaches   And again the beaches are cleaned ...  
  Difficult to get used to this devastation !   In our garden, the beauty of nature luckily preserved although winter is approaching ...  

Terug naar België Le retour en Belgique in English Back to Belgium


  Crossing the the ainland from E to W on the way to PATRAS   f/b Hellenic Spirit heading for VENICE  
  Confartable cabin for the 32hours passage   Rain in Switzerland  


Nieuwpoort, Belgium


  The beach in NIEUWPOORT B, cloudy weather on this first days back, 22.11.2023   27.11.2023 NIEUWPOORT  Sculpture group De verzoening [the Reconciliation] by sculptor Willem Vermandere  
  20231127 On the W-jetty   The three yachtharbour-clubs are ready for the yearly dredging works, fingers are successively removed to allow the  dredge; view of the KYCN  








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Link to METEO GR SAILING MAP http://www.meteo.gr/meteoplus/sailingmaps2.cfm


Link to POSEIDON FORECAST MAP http://www.poseidon.hcmr.gr/sailing_forecast.php?area_id=naeg




UPDATE 2020/2024:


- the CRUISING ASSOCIATION https://www.theca.org.uk/

- the NOONSITE www.noonsite.com







in a nutshell :

- all private pleasure and commercial boats - irrespective of their flag - within the Greek territorial waters

- idle boats are exempted

- the tax is calculated on current annual or current monthly basis for the time the boat is in the water ( see FAQ'S )

LOA up to 8 m: EUR 20 / month ( from 7 m ? )
LOA over 8 m and up to 10 m: EUR 30 / month
LOA over 10 m and up to 12 m: EUR 40 / month
LOA over 12 m: EUR 10 / metre / month

- discount 50% for the commercial boats and cruise ships subject to exclusive commercial use.
- discount 10% if the tax is paid on December or January for 1 whole year.

- the tax is to be paid after registration by banktransfer or at the post office mentionning the 20 digit you'll find on the final on-line registration document ( e-paravolo ).

- the paid tax is valid for multiple entrance during the period paid

-if the tax is not paid : prohibition of navigation + fines :
LOA over 7 m and up to 8 m: EUR 240
LOA over 8 m and up to 10 m: EUR 360
LOA over 10 m and up to 12 m: EUR 480
LOA over 12 m: EUR 1500









More information about TEPAI :

- on the website of the CRUISING ASSOCIATION, https://www.theca.org.uk/home ( members )

- on the website of the NOONSITE : https://www.noonsite.com/news/greece-tepai-new-cruising-tax-official-information/


Weersvoorspelling MILINA, Magnesia, GREECE

Monday, 05
+21° +17°
+22° +18°
+22° +19°
+22° +19°
+23° +19°
+21° +18°
See 7-Day Forecast



====> More information about the GREEK CRUISING REGULATIONS see website Cruising Association ( http://www.theca.org.uk- a high recommended membership for every cruising sailor !

- see also: Noonsite.com https://www.noonsite.com/ & Sailing Issues https://www.sailingissues.com/yachting-greece


REGULARLY UPDATED ========================================================================================================

And still ...

SUNSAILBASE MILINA/VATHOUDI CLOSED: Due to changes in the Sunsail-offer in Greece the base of Milina-Vathoudi is closed since 2014. The pontoons inc. water- and power supplies, and showers have been removed.

NEW: A&C YACHTING MILINA: The former managers of the base, Andy and Christine, have started in 2014 their own charter company; they are operating with two boats based in the small harbour of Milina: A&C Yachting Milina ( http://www.ac-yachtingmilina.com ); they provide also technical support, engine repairs, diving works like mooring maintenance etc., and assistance Tel:  +30 2423 065597, Mobile:  +30 693 7262731

MILINA: At the present time limited water and power supplies only in this small harbour.



an other - significant ! - experience with the Greek bureaucracy


The so-called taxnumber Α. Φ. Μ. [A.F.M.] is a national number (in Belgium the identification number in the National Register of Natural Persons is officially called national register number ) or - in some countries - a social security number. From the age of 18 years all Greeks have the obligation to get a taxnumber

The Α. Φ. Μ. [A.F.M.] consists of 9 digits.

Until a few years ago, a taxsnumber was not required for a non-resident foreigner who was staying in Greece little longer than a short touristic period but not involved by contractual services (e.g. a phone and or internet account ). In matters where a taxnumber was required, for example to obtain a DEKPA before the 1st of January 2017 , it was allowed - and it's still - to fulfil some formalities with the help of a willing Greek friend.

So our Greek friend accompanied us in Volos, first to the Office of the Port Police/Coastguard to fill up the request form, then to the Tax Office in order to pay the tax of 29.35 euro. A temporary and to this matter limited statement for the use of his taxnumber saved us the procedure to obtain a personal taxnumber.

The whole issue of tax discipline and tax collection has, however, led to the fact that a personal taxnumber is more and more required: so for the conclusion of a contract e.g. with an internet and / or mobile/phone provider, when renting a house or apartment, to purchase an insurance, in order to register a vessel under Greek flag or a motor vehicle, and even to pay a fine. In short, in most contractual issues or actions when the Greek administration is directly or indirectly involved.

In 2008 arriving in Greece after our Italian coasts sailings we could get a VODAFONE internet account only by Direct debit of our credit card without having a personal taxnumber but by providing also a cruising statement issued for this purpose by the K&G marina in Corfu. The other phone and internet providers - COSMOTE, WIND - required a private taxnumber.

How it works:

- visiting a local tax office, department Delivery Taxnumbers Α. Φ. Μ. [A.F.M.] with our ID card or passport

- filling up the monolingual-Greek form

- being accompanied by a free choosen Greek representative or submitting a (legalized) certificate containing his identity data; the representative must be registered in the tax area ( e.g. Magnesia ) where the taxnumber is requested ( e.g. Volos ); in fact the representative acts as an known and having his home in Greece contact person for the administration


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Updated 6-mar-24
webmaster Q-Webbels